Layers Header and Footer Options

Layers Header and Footer Options

The Layers theme options include multiple header and footer layout and design choices.


From the WordPress Customizer, select Header.


Header Arrangement: Choose to display the logo position at Logo Left, Logo Right, Logo Center Top, Logo Top, Logo Center, or Header SidebarHeader Width: Select to display the header as Boxed or Full WidthSticky Header: Slide on to make header sticky and to make the sticky header transparentSearch: Slide on to show search in the header. If on, enter a Search Label

Header Styling

Control the visual styling of the heading elements

Header Padding: Adjust top and bottom padding of headerBackground Color: Choose the color of the header』s backgroundBackground Image: Select an image for the header』s backgroundSticky Breakpoint (px): Set the number of pixels, when user scrolls, that the Sticky Menu displays

Page Title Styling

Page titles appear on list pages and pages using the 「Blank Page」 template they also include breadcrumb navigation.

Title Background: Choose the color of the page title』s backgroundBackground Image: Select an image for the page title』s backgroundTitle: Choose the title』s text colorExcerpt: Choose the page excerpt』s colorTitle Height: Adjust the height of the page titleTitle Below Spacing (px): Adjust the amount of spacing below the page title

Menu Styling

This will affect the menus which display in the header                   

Text Color: Choose the menu』s text colorText Shadow: Select None, Bottom Shadow or Top ShadowText Transform: Select None, Uppercase, Capitalize, LowercaseLink Spacing: Slide to set the amount of space between each menu itemEnable Hover Styling: Slide on to enable hover styling detailed below

Header Menu Hover Styling

This will affect header menu items when hovered over or active                   

Text Color: Choose the menu items』 hover/active text colorText Shadow: Select None, Bottom Shadow or Top Shadow for the hover/active stateBackground Color: Choose the menu item』s hover/active background colorRounded Corner Size: Set the amount of corner roundness in a menu item』s hover/active stateBorder Width: Set the width of the menu item』s border in the hover/active stateBorder Color: Choose the menu item』s border color in the hover/active state

Sub Menu Styling

This will affect menu drop-downs

Text Color: Choose the drop-down menu items』 colorText Shadow: Select None, Bottom Shadow or Top ShadowText Transform: Select None, Uppercase, Capitalize, LowercaseBackground Color: Choose the drop-down menu item』s background colorBorder Width: Set the width of the drop-down  menu item』s borderBorder Color: Choose the drop-down menu item』s border colorSeparator Border Color: Choose the border color that separates each item in a menu drop-down


Likewise, the Layers theme includes several Footer layout and design options in WordPress Customizer. From the WordPress Customizer, select Footer.

Footer Width: Choose from Boxed or Full WidthWidget Areas: Choose the number of widget areas to appear in the footerCopyright Text: Enter your copyright text


Footer Background: Choose the color of the footer』s backgroundFooter Padding: Set the top and bottom padding of the footer

Elementor Pro』s Header and Footer Builder

If you need more complex header design customization, Elementor Pro allows you to fully design your headers and footers in a visual way. No need to settle for limited options. You can drag and drop Elementor widgets into your header and footer templates, and design the entire layout in any way you choose. Need different headers or footers to display based on multiple conditions? Elementor Pro makes that process simple.

Learn more about Elementor Pro』s Header and Footer Builder

Check out these 5 inspiring header tutorials


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