Scrolling Effects – Rotate

Scrolling Effects – Rotate

Set any element to rotate left or right as the user scrolls up or down the page.

Advanced or Style > Background

Motion Effects

Scrolling Effects: Slide to ONThen:Rotate: Click pencil edit icon Direction: Choose either To Left or To Right Speed: Set the rotation speed from 0 to 10 Viewport: Determine when to begin the effect, based on viewport height (the visible size of the device screen). For example, if the viewport value is set between 50 – 100, the effect starts only after you scroll half the viewport height.X Anchor Point: Choose the horizontal axis from which the element will rotate, selecting from Left, Center, or RightY Anchor Point: Choose the vertical axis from which the element will rotate, selecting from Top, Center, or BottomApply Effects On: Select to apply the motion effects on Desktop, Tablet, and/or Mobile devices.Effects Relative To: Choose from Default, Viewport, or Entire Page

Note: The two settings, X & Y Anchor Points, determine the axis around which the element rotates. If you set orientation left-top, the rotation will happen around the left-top point of the element. If you set orientation center-center, the rotation will rotate around its center, like a wheel.


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