


Regenerate CSS:  This will clear your CSS files and will generate new files when you make changes to your pages.

Sync Library: If you experience bugs with the library, you can sync it here.

Please note that the Regenerate CSS tool will not regenerate the files on the click of the button. Update the page to create a new file.

Replace URL

Enables the use of Elementor after a domain transfer (Also relevant for adding an SSL certificate to your site).

Version Control

Rollback Version: Revert back to any prior Elementor version. 

Become a Beta Tester: By enabling this, you will be notified whenever a new beta version is out. After enabling, go to Dashboard > Updates and click the Check Again button to make the latest beta version available to you. All subsequent beta update notifications will show up on the Plugins admin page as normal.

Note: Being a beta tester will keep you on the cutting edge of our releases, and help us monitor and fix possible bugs whenever we release a new beta version. We recommend only beta testing on a development or staging site, as beta versions are not stable and may break a live site. Beta testers enable us to test the compatibility of the upcoming versions in a variety of hosting configurations. Each beta tester will be running under a unique server setup, with varied combinations of plugins, themes, and custom code, all of which helps us understand which types of configurations may present issues that we can resolve before release. Beta testing is especially useful for website developers & designers, as well as plugin developers, as they are able to test the compatibility of their plugin or website with the upcoming version of Elementor. Beta user feedback plays an important role in our ability to improve Elementor.  Issues noticed by Beta testers have to be reported in the relevant Github thread.

Maintenance Mode

Choose Mode: Choose between Disabled, Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode.

Who Can Access: Choose who can view your content when one of these modes is active.

Choose Template: Choose a template that will be displayed when one of these modes is active.

Click to learn more about Maintenance Mode


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