Facebook Like Button Widget (Pro)

Facebook Like Button Widget (Pro)

Add a Facebook Like Button  to your website, so you visitors can like your pages or posts.



Type: Choose a Button Type, either Like or RecommendLayout: Select from either Standard, Button, Button Count or Box Count buttons.Size: Set the Button size, either Small or LargeColor scheme: Select between Light and Dark schemesShare button: Includes a Share Button next to the LikeFaces: Show Profile photosTarget URL: Set the Like Button for the Current Page or a Custom URLURL Format: Select Plain Permalink or Pretty Permalink

Note: You must also enter your Facebook App ID in the Elementor Settings > Integrations tab.

Note: If you are developing for European based sites, users must accept cookies, and be currently logged in to Facebook before the like, share, or comment buttons are displayed on the front end.


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