Price Table (Pro)

Price Table (Pro)

The Price Table widget allows you to create stylish, advanced price tables that display your products or services.



Title: Enter the title of the specific price planSubtitle: Enter the subtitle that appears below the main titleHeading Tag: Set the Header』s Title tag, choosing from H2 – H6


Currency Symbol: Switch between the main currencies, or choose a custom symbolPrice: Set the exact pricing of your product or service, including centsCurrency Format: Choose the thousands separator formatSale: Display the original price with a strikethrough and the new sale pricePeriod: Enter text for the period of time for each payment that appears under the price


List Items

A list of all the features you are offering. You can drag and drop them to change their order. Click on the Add Item button to add another item to the list.

Tip: Quickly duplicate or delete items by clicking an item』s Duplicate or Delete icon 

By clicking on each item you can customize their content and settings, which are:

Text: Enter the description of the featureIcon: Choose from a list of Font Awesome iconsIcon Color: Choose a color for the icon


Button Text: Write the text that will appear for the buttonLink: Enter the URL for the item』s link. Click the Link Options cog to either add rel=nofollow to the link or to open the link in a new window.Additional Info: Include a line of additional info below the button


Show: Show or hide a corner ribbonTitle: Enter the text to be displayed on the ribbonHorizontal Position: Display the ribbon on the top left or top right of the pricing table



Background Color: Choose the background color for the top section of the widgetPadding: Choose the padding for the heading


Color: Choose any color for the main titleTypography: Change the title typography

Sub Title

Color: Choose any color for the main titleTypography: Change the title typography


Background Color: Choose a background color for the pricing areaPadding: Change the padding of the pricing areaColor: Choose the color of the priceTypography: Set the typography options for the pricing area

Currency Symbol

Size:  Change the size of the currency symbolPosition: Display the currency symbol to the left or right of the priceVertical Position: Set the currency symbol to display at the top, middle or bottom of the price

Fractional part

Size: Set the size of the fractional part of the priceVertical Position: Set the fractional part to display at the top, middle or bottom of the price


Color: Choose the color of the text of the time periodTypography: Set the typography options for the text of the time periodPosition: Set the time period below or beside the price


Background Color: Choose the background color of the features listPadding: Customize the padding of the features listColor: Choose the color of the features list textTypography: Set the typography options for the features list textAlignment: Align the list to the right, left or centerWidth: Set the width of the features list


Style: Choose the features list divider style, from solid, dotted, double or dashedColor: Choose the color of the dividerWeight: Set the thickness of the dividerWidth: Set the width of the dividerGap: Set the distance between the divider and the feature item


Background Color: Choose the background color of the footer areaPadding: Set the padding of the footer area


Size: Choose from 5 button sizesText Color: Choose the color of the button』s textTypography: Set the typography options for the button』s textBackground Color: Choose the background color of the buttonBorder Type: Select the border type, from none, solid, double, dotted, dashed, or groovedBorder Radius: Set the border radius of the button to control corner roundnessText Padding: Set the distance between the button text and the border


Background Color: Choose the background color of the ribbonDistance: Control the distance between the ribbon and the cornerText Color: Choose the color of the ribbon』s textTypography: Set the typography options for the ribbon』s textBox Shadow: Add a box shadow effect to the ribbon


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget


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