Media Carousel Widget (Pro)

Media Carousel Widget (Pro)

The Media Carousel widget allows you to create a slider of videos and images.

The widget includes 3 skins:

Carousel is the standard rotating carousel skin that shows a customized number of image or video slides per view. Slideshow is a slider skin that displays one primary slide and small image thumbnails below.Coverflow is a slider skin that shows a central slide in the front and two side slides in the back. 

Inside each slide, you can add the image or video, and have it link to its media file or an external link. The carousel can display a mixture of both images and videos at once. If you have Lightbox enabled, this will also be available for this widget.

The Media Carousel widget also has options for optimal display on mobile devices.


Carousel Skin



Skin: CarouselSlides: Choose the image or video to display and set the URL to link toEffect: Choose how each slide transitions, either Slide, Fade, or CubeSlides Per View: Set number of slides to view at one time, maximum of 10Slides to Scroll: Set number of slides to scroll per swipe, maximum of 10Height: Set the height of the carouselWidth: Set the width of the carousel

Additional Options

Arrows: Choose to show or hide the navigation arrowsPagination: Select None, Dots, Fraction, or ProgressTransition Duration: Set the time it takes for each slide to appear. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.Autoplay: Show or hideAutoplay Speed: Set the time between each slide. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.Infinite Loop: Show carousel in continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or NoPause on Interaction: Select whether or not to pause autoplay when a user interacts with the carousel. Yes or NoOverlay: Select overlay type, when user hovers over a slide. None, Text, or IconImage Size: Select size of image, from Thumbnail to Full, or CustomImage Fit: Select how image fits into its container, either Cover, Contain, or Auto

Slideshow Skin


Skin: SlideshowSlides: Choose the image or video to display and set the URL to link toEffect: Choose how each slide transitions, either Slide, Fade, or CubeHeight: Set the height of the carouselThumbnails: Slides Per View: Number of slides, per view, maximum of 10 Ratio: Select from 1:1, 4:3, 16:9, or 21:9

Additional Options

Arrows: Choose to show or hide the navigation arrowsTransition Duration: Set the time it takes for each slide to appear. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 secondAutoplay: Show or hideAutoplay Speed: Set the time between each slide. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 secondInfinite Loop: Show carousel in continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or NoPause on Interaction: Select whether or not to pause autoplay when a user interacts with the carousel. Yes or NoImage Size: Select size of image, from Thumbnail to Full, or CustomImage Fit: Select how image fits into its container, either Cover, Contain, or Auto

Coverflow Skin


Skin: CoverflowSlides: Choose the image or video to display and set the URL to link toSlides Per View: Set number of slides to view at one time, maximum of 10Slides to Scroll: Set number of slides to scroll per swipe, maximum of 10Height: Set the height of the carouselWidth: Set the width of the carousel

Additional Options

Arrows: Choose to show or hide the navigation arrowsPagination: Select None, Dots, Fraction, or ProgressTransition Duration: Set the time it takes for each slide to appear. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.Autoplay: Show or hideAutoplay Speed: Set the time between each slide. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.Infinite Loop: Show carousel in continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or NoPause on Interaction: Select whether or not to pause autoplay when a user interacts with the carousel. Yes or NoOverlay: None, Text, or IconIf Text is chosen:Caption: Choose which text to display as the caption – Title, Caption, or DescriptionAnimation: Choose from Fade, Slide Up, Slide Down, Slide Right, Slide Left, Zoom InIf Icon is chosen:Icon: Choose from a search icon, plus icon, eye icon, or link iconAnimation: Choose from Fade, Slide Up, Slide Down, Slide Right, Slide Left, Zoom InImage Size: Select size of image, from Thumbnail to Full, or CustomImage Fit: Select how image fits into its container, either Cover, Contain, or Auto



Space Between: Set the space between slidesBackground Color: Choose a background color for the carouselBorder Size: Control the thickness of the borderBorder Color: Choose a color for the borderPadding: Set the paddingBorder Radius: Set the border radius to control corner roundness



Size: Scale arrow size up or downColor: Choose the color for the arrows

Pagination (not available on Slideshow type)

Position: Place pagination outside or inside of slidesSize: Scale pagination size up or downColor: Set the color of the pagination

Play Icon (You must have videos in the slides to see it)

Color: Set the color of the video play iconSize: Set the size of the video play iconText Shadow: Set the text shadow of the video play icon

Overlay (not available on Slideshow type)

If Text was chosen for the Overlay:

Background Color: Choose a background color for the overlayText Color: Choose the color of the overlay textTypography: Change the typography options for the overlay text

If Icon was chosen for Overlay:

Background Color: Choose a background color for the overlayText Color: Choose the color of the overlay iconIcon Size: Scale the size of the overlay icon up or down


Color: Choose the lightbox background colorUI Color: Choose the UI Color. This affects the lightbox arrow and dot navigations and the X closing icon.UI Hover Color: Choose the UI hover color. This affects the lightbox arrow and dot navigations and the X closing icon when the user hovers over each.Video Width: Set the width of the video

Note: Autoplay is affected by Google』s Autoplay policy on Chrome browsers.

Note: Using Elementor template shortcodes within the widget may sometimes work, but it is not a supported feature.


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Read the full release post about the Media Carousel Widget

Star Rating Widget

Star Rating Widget

The Star Rating widget allows you to display author-assigned star ratings within your content. Both the label and the stars are fully customizable for size, color, and typography.



Rating Scale: Choose a scale from 0 to 5 or 0 to 10Rating: Assign a numerical rating for the element, based on the scale chosenIcon: Choose the type of icon to use, either Font Awesome or UnicodeUnmarked Style: Choose Solid or Outline for unmarked iconsTitle: Enter the title for the ratingAlignment: Align the rating, left, center, right, or justified.



Color: Choose the color of the label title textTypography: Change the typography options for the text of the label titleGap: Control the space between the title and the icons


Size: Change the size of the starsSpacing: Control the space between each starColor: Choose the color of the filled/marked starsUnmarked Color: Choose the color of the unmarked stars


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Read More Widget

Read More Widget

Elementor supports the native WordPress 『』 tag, which helps determine the preview text that is shown for blog posts in archive pages. Alternatively, Add the Read More widget to your Elementor-designed posts to set the cutoff point for blog posts on standard WordPress archive pages.


Read More

Read More Text: Enter the link text such as Read more…, Continue reading, etc.


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Note: This widget only affects themes that use 『the_content』 in standard WordPress archive pages. It has no effect on Elementor-designed archive templates. In these templates, you have to use the tag itself.

SoundCloud Widget

SoundCloud Widget

The SoundCloud widget embeds audio clips from SoundCloud.



Link – Enter the SoundCloud URL you wish to add to the page.Visual player – Choose whether the visual player is displayed, or just the audio player.Autoplay – Choose if the audio is automatically played when the user loads the page.Buy button – Show or hide the button to buy the track.Like button – Show or hide the like button.Download button – Show or hide the download button.Share button – Show or hide the share button.Comments – Show or hide comments.Play counts – Show or hide the number of play counts.Username – Show or hide the username that uploaded the track.Controls color – Customize the color of the controls.

Note: Autoplay is affected by Google』s Autoplay policy on Chrome browsers.


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Alert Widget

Alert Widget

The Alert widget enables you to display a colored alert box to draw attention to an important message.



Type: Select the type of pre-styled alert box, choosing from Info, Success, Warning, and DangerTitle & Description: Enter the alert box Title and DescriptionDismiss Button: Show or Hide the Dismiss Button (X)



Background Color: Choose the background color of the Alert boxBorder Color: Choose the color of the left borderLeft Border Width: Set the width of the left border


Text Color: Choose the color of the Title textTypography: Set the typography options for the Title text


Text Color: Choose the color of the Description textTypography: Set the typography options for the Description text

Tip: You can show or hide the Dismiss button (the X in the upper right corner of the Alert box), by choosing Show or Hide in the Dismiss Button option. If the Dismiss button is hidden, the user cannot dismiss (close) the box.

Icon Box Widget

Icon Box Widget

Icon boxes come in very handy when building websites. The most common usage is for sections that list features of products or services. In this video tutorial, you will see the various options you get to customize every element of this widget: the icon, the headline, and the description. The icons are derived from the Font Awesome Icons, and you are able to search through them and pick the right one.

Content Tab

In the content tab, you have full control over the widget』s content. 

View – Set the view of the icon as 『Default』, 『Stacked』 or 『Framed』. Stacked is with a background and framed is with a frame surrounding the icon.Choose Icon – Here you have a list of the entire collection of Font Awesome icons.Title & Description – Insert the title and description of your Icon Box widget.Link to – Insert a link, and choose if it will opens on a new window.Icon Position – Set the position of the icon on the left, top or right side of the box (on Mobile view it will stay centered).Title HTML Tag – Choose the title tag, from H1..H6, Div, Span or P. 

Style Tab

1. Icon

Primary Color – note that if you choose stacked or framed icon box, you will also have a secondary color.Icon spacing – The space between the icon and the heading.Icon size – Scale up and down the size of the icon.Icon Rotate – Rotate the icon.

2. Icon Hover

Choose the primary and secondary color for the icon hover. 

Animation – Choose from a long list of animations for the hover.

3. Content

a. Title

Alignment – Left, centers, right or justified.Vertical Align – Top, middle and button.Title Spacing – Set the spacing between the title and the description.Title color – Change the color of the title.Typography – Here I can customize the typography of the title.

b. Description

Description color – Change the color of the description.Typography – Choose custom to change the typography, just like with the title.


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Sidebar Widget

Sidebar Widget

The Sidebar widget allows you to add any of your theme』s sidebars into the page.

Go to Content > Sidebar > Choose Sidebar, and select a sidebar to display on the page.

Tip: Elementor』s Hello theme does not come with a widgets menu section or sidebar by default. If you are using the Hello theme, see instructions here to add the widgets menu option, which will then enable you to use the Sidebar widget.


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Toggle Widget

Toggle Widget

The Toggle Widget lets you create text boxes that are collapsed, so the visitor only sees the titles of each text box item. This lets you show your content in a condensed form, so visitors don』t have to scroll through a long page and can sift through the titles easily.A similar widget is the Accordion widget, but there are two main differences between the Toggle widget and the Accordion widget.

When a page is loaded, all Toggle widget items are collapsed. With the Accordion widget, however, the first item is expanded, while all other items remain collapsed.With the Toggle widget, as many items as desired can be expanded at the same time. With the Accordion widget, however, only one item can be expanded at one time. As you expand another Accordion item, the previously opened item automatically collapses, looking similar to an accordion



Toggle ItemsTitle & Content: Enter the title and description for each itemIcon: Select the icon to represent the action of expanding an item. Choose either None, Upload SVG, or select an icon from the Icon Library. If Icon Library is chosen, a Recommended tab is shown in the Library which shows recommended icons to represent the expanding concept.Active Icon: Select the icon to represent the action of collapsing the active item. Choose either None, Upload SVG, or select an icon from the Icon Library. If Icon Library is chosen, a Recommended tab is shown in the Library which shows recommended icons to represent the collapsing concept.Title HTML Tag: Set the HTML tag used for the title to H1- H6 or DIVAdd Item: Use the 『Add Item』 button to add more toggle items to the list.



Border Width: Set the thickness of the border around the toggle widget and between each itemBorder Color: Choose the color of the border around the toggle widget and between each itemSpace Between: Set the amount of space between each itemBox Shadow: Set the box shadow around the toggle widget, or around each item if there is space between each. You can adjust the box shadow』s Color, Horizontal position, Vertical position, Blur, and Spread as well as the shadow』s Position, which can be either Inset or Outline


Background: Choose the color of the title』s backgroundColor: Choose the color of the non-active titles』 textActive Color: Choose the color of the active title』s textTypography: Set the typography options for the titlesPadding: Set the padding for the titles


Alignment: Align the icon to the left or right of the titleColor: Choose the color of the iconsActive Color: Choose the color of the active iconSpacing: Control the spacing between the icon and the title


Background: Choose the background color of the contentColor: Choose the text color of the contentTypography: Set the typography options for the contentPadding: Set the padding for the content


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Testimonial Widget

Testimonial Widget

With Elementor, you can add and style testimonials easily and without the need for any 3rd party plugins.



Content – Enter the text of the testimonialChoose Image – Upload the testimonial author』s imageName – Enter the testimonial author』s nameJob – Enter the testimonial author』s job titleLink to – Set a link to a URL, media file or no linkImage Position – Set the image position, relative to the testimonial content. Options include: Aside or TopAlignment – Align the testimonial to the left, right, or center



Text Color – Choose the color of the content.Typography – Change the typography of the content.


Image Size – Scale the image size up or downBorder Type – Select the type of border. Options include none, solid, double, dotted, dashed, or groovedBorder Radius – Set the border radius to control corner roundness


Text Color – Choose the color of the nameTypography – Change the typography of the name


Text Color – Choose the color of the jobTypography – Change the typography of the job


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Accordion Widget

Accordion Widget

The Accordion Widget is used to display text in a collapsed, condensed manner, letting you save space while still presenting an abundance of content.

With the Accordion, visitors can scan the item titles, and choose to expand an item only if it is of interest.

A similar widget is the Toggle widget, but there are two main differences between the Accordion widget and the Toggle widget.

When a page is loaded, the first item of the Accordion widget is expanded, while all other items remain collapsed. With the Toggle widget, however, all items are collapsed when a page is first loaded.Only one item of an Accordion can be expanded at one time. As you expand another Accordion item, the previously opened item automatically collapses, looking similar to an accordion. With the Toggle widget, however, as many items as desired can be expanded at the same time.



Accordion Items Title & Content: Enter the title and description for each itemIcon: Select the icon to represent the action of expanding an item. Choose either None, Upload SVG, or select an icon from the Icon Library. If Icon Library is chosen, a Recommended tab is shown in the Library which shows recommended icons to represent the expanding concept. Active Icon: Select the icon to represent the action of collapsing the active item. Choose either None, Upload SVG, or select an icon from the Icon Library. If Icon Library is chosen, a Recommended tab is shown in the Library which shows recommended icons to represent the collapsing concept.Title HTML Tag: Set the HTML tag used for the title to H1- H6 or DIVAdd Item: Use the 『Add Item』 button to add more accordion items to the list.



Border Width: Set the thickness of the border around the accordion and between each itemBorder Color: Choose the color of the border around the accordion and between each item


Background: Choose the color of the title』s backgroundColor: Choose the color of the non-active titles』 textActive Color: Choose the color of the active title』s textTypography: Set the typography options for the titlesPadding: Set the padding for the titles


Alignment: Align the icon to the left or right of the titleColor: Choose the color of the iconsActive Color: Choose the color of the active iconSpacing: Control the spacing between the icon and the title


Background: Choose the background color of the contentColor: Choose the text color of the contentTypography: Set the typography options for the contentPadding: Set the padding for the content


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